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“As They Sow…” – Poetry

outside city

The fool abolishes law  and order,

The imbecile claims he is God incarnate,

The ego seeks glory and psychic power,

The traitor worships the Gods Of Death.


All-hail the Indignation!

Let man be torn from the pedestal he stole!

The Owner Of Worlds is not amused.

The Mother  and Father see all


As those below curse the name of Heaven

And darkened hearts burn in the sunlight.

Disbelievers accept strong delusion

Having chosen their own fate.


Rejecting their salvation time after time

Burning the messengers at the stake.

They’ll do so again if given half a chance.

Only the open hearts shall find refuge


Welcome to the Indignation!

Let the true warriors rise!

Behold the meek, the faithful and true

Before they enter their promised paradise.


Make note of the Virtues, remember them well

To be counted in a future life.

Beware the wrath of all nature and sin

Before the return of the Gods!


Based on: the complete The Angelic Herald, as well as “Trumpet Blast No. Three”

Poetry Copyright © 2020 by Ena Whiteraven  All rights reserved.

Artwork: artist unknown

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