create your world, creation, current events, debut, Ena Whiteraven, Heavenly, holiday, hope, imagination, life is sacred, light consciousness, lit update, literary, literary update, motivation, new life, poetry, Poetry Release, Release Dates, Superlative Deviation, the battle for the soul, the new old world, Updates

Surprise Lit. Update: Preview

In honor of the start of the Angelic Year, I will be sharing two brand-new poems here on T.W.N. Look for surprise posts both here and on Superlative Deviation over the next few months. The first poem will go up next Tuesday. E.W.

Alura Cein, clean up your act, Ena Whiteraven, it's not too late, literary, poetry, The Angelic Herald, Uncategorized, Updates

“To Those Who Harm the Children” – Poetry

Revelations made public Entering every home Tidings of swift retribution Utterly inescapable Riches turn to dust before them Naked truth given voice   Three times the debt repaid Only the pure left standing   Some balance finally restored Even the shadows disown you Neatly fulfilling the prophecy Disintegration of glamor Ends the age of terror… Continue reading “To Those Who Harm the Children” – Poetry